F-35 Lightning II Cockpit - What It Looks Like From Inside

Описание к видео F-35 Lightning II Cockpit - What It Looks Like From Inside

Lockheed Martin F-35 cockpit demonstrator. This is what the F-35 cockpit looks like, in its public, non secret form. You might notice there's quite a few things missing from the demonstrator as naturally the cockpit demonstrator does not contain all the instruments and systems, but the general layout and positioning matches the actual plane.

FinAF 100 years anniversary airshow summer 2018, Tikkakoski, Finland.

Lockheed Martin F-35 ohjaamomaketti Ilmavoimat 100 vuotta -lentonäytöksessä Tikkakoskella kesällä 2018. Tältä koneen ohjaamo näyttää julkisessa, yleisölle esiteltävässä muodossa. Aidossa koneessa ja oikeammassa simulaattorissa on toki jokunen laite ja näyttö enemmän.

Finnish Air Force 100th Anniversary Airshow | Ilmavoimat 100 vuotta lentonäytös
16.-17.6.2018 Tikkakoski, Finland
(C) Jukka O. Kauppinen 2018

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For more FinAF 100 Years Air Show videos please see:
   • FinAF 100 Years Anniversary Airshow  

Manufacturer's data:
The 5th generaton F-35 Lightning II integrates advanced stealth technology into a highly agile, supersonic aircraf that provides the pilot with unprecedented situatonal awareness and unmatched lethality and survivability.

Length 51.4 f / 15.7 m
Speed Mach 1.6
Wingspan 35 f / 10.7 m
Wing area 460 f2 / 42.7 m2
Combat radius (internal fuel) +590 n.mi / 1,093 km
Range (internal fuel) +1,200 n.mi / 2,200 km
Internal fuel capacity 18,250 lb / 8,278 kg
Max g-ratng 9.0
Weapons payload 18,000 lb / 8,160 kg
Propulsion F135-PW-100
Thrust* 40,000 lb Max / 25,000 lb Mil
*Maximum Power (Max) = with aferburner
Military Power (Mil) = without aferburner

The three F-35 variants have similar performance characteristics, and are mainly distinguished by their different basing requirements. As a result, the F-35B and F-35C variants have unique ways to take off and land.
The variation between models allows military forces to achieve service-specific mission capability, while still taking advantage the economies of scale that result from the parts and processes that are common to all three variants. All three variants are supersonic, low observable stealth fighters that all have the same advanced avionics required to execute multirole missions and the support of the F-35 sustainment technologies.

The F-35A conventional takeoff and landing (CTOL) variant is designed to operate from conventional runways, and is the only version to carry an internal cannon. The F-35A will be the most prevalent variant of the F-35. The U.S. Air Force as well as the majority of our allied air forces and Foreign Military Sales (FMS) nations will operate the F-35A, replacing their 3rd and 4th generation aircraft.
The F-35B model short takeoff/vertical landing (STOVL) variant is designed to operate from austere, short-field bases and a range of air-capable ships operating near front-line combat zones. The F-35B can also take off and land conventionally from longer runways at major bases.
F-35C - For the first time in U.S. Naval aviation history, radar-evading stealth capability comes to the carrier deck. The F-35C carrier variant (CV) is the Navy’s first stealth fighter and the world’s only 5th Generation, long-range stealth strike fighter designed and built explicitly for aircraft carrier operations.

Ilmavoimat 100 vuotta -juhlalentonäytös järjestettiin Tikkakoskella 16.-17. kesäkuuta 2018. Tapahtuma keräsi yleisöä kahden päivän aikana jopa 26 000 innokkaan taivaalle tähyäjän verran. Näytöksen aikana yleisö pääsi ihailemaan lukuisia erilaisia esityslentoja sekä historiallisilta lentokonetyypeiltä että tämän päivän moderneimmilta huippuhävittäjiltä, jotka ovat mukana Suomen Hornetin seuraajahankkeen tarjouskilpailussa. Myös maanäyttelyssä oli esillä runsaasti lentokalustoa 100-vuotiaan ilmavoimien eri aikakausilta. Lisäksi mukana oli muun muassa ulkomaalaisia ilma-aluksia, helikoptereita sekä ilmatorjuntakalustoa.

Finnish Air Force 100th Anniversary Air Show took place in Tikkakoski, Central Finland from 16 to 17 June 2018. During the weekend the event was attended by 26,000 visitors who saw a selection of aircraft from Air Force past and present. Also candidates for the Finnish F/A-18 Hornet Multi-Role fighter replacement programme, known as HX Programme, showed their capabilities in Tikkakoski.

For more FinAF 100 Years Air Show videos please see:
   • FinAF 100 Years Anniversary Airshow  

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