Kerbal Space Program | STS-1 Columbia

Описание к видео Kerbal Space Program | STS-1 Columbia

STS-1 | Space Shuttle Columbia's maiden flight.

RO/RSS/RVE 1.1.3

▼▼▼ See below for links. ▼▼▼

I would like to thank Jesse for the new RSS cloud and land textures.

As well I would like to thank Dr. Licor for the RO configs for the shuttle.

RO Configs:

Gaming Setup

Intel i7-6800K 3.4GhZ
GPU: Nvidia 1070 X2 SLI
SSD: Intel 750 M.2 400GB (only KSP on it)
Monitor: Acer Predator XB1 w/ G-Sync 165Hz OC
OS: Windows 10 64bit


Toolbar, AdjustableLandingGear, AJE, AmbientLightAdjustment, AnimatedDecouplers, ASETAtomicAge, AviationLights, B9Parts, BahaSP, BetterBurnTime, BetterCrewAssignment, CameraTools, Canadarm, CMES, CommunityResourcePack, Contares, Cormorant Aeronology, CxAerospace, DeadlyReentry, DistantObject, DMagicOrbitalScience, EngineGroupController, EngineLight, EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements, ETC, FASA, FerramAerospaceResearch, Firespitter, Flare+, FreedomTex, GPOSpeedFuelPump, HabTech, HangarGrid, HeatControl, HGA, HighlighterOff, InterstellarFuelSwitch, JSI, KAS, KerbalFoundries, KerbalJointReinforcement, KerbalKonstructs, Kerbaltek, KerbCam, KIS, KK_Antares, Klockheed_Martian_Gimbal, Klockheed_Martian_SSE, Kopernicus, KronalUtils, KSCSwitcher, KWRocketry, LandingHeight, Launchers Pack, LightsOut, LLL, MagicSmokeIndustries, ModularFlightIntegrator, ModuleRCSFX, MP_Nazari, Muffler, NearFutureConstruction, NearFutureElectrical, NearFutureProps, NearFutureSolar, NearFutureSpacecraft, NEBULA, PersistentRotation, PlanetShine, ProceduralFairings, ProceduralFairings-ForEverything, ProceduralParts, Real Launch Sites, RealChute, RealFuels, RealHeat, RealismOverhaul, RealPlume, RealScaleBoosters, RealSolarSystem, ReentryParticleEffect, RemoteTech, RKE_Kanadarm, RN_Cygnus, RN_Proton, RN_R7, RN_Salyut, RN_Skylab, RN_Soviet_Probes, RN_Soyuz, RN_US_Probes, RN_Zenith, RSS-Textures, RVE, scatterer, Science818, SmokeScreen, SolverEngines, Sovietengines, Space_Shuttle, SPACE_SHUTTLE_SYSTEM, SSTU, StationPartsExpansion, SurfaceLights, SXT, Tantares, TantaresLV, TarsierSpaceTech, TextureReplacer, ThunderAerospace, ToadicusTools, TweakableEverything, TweakScale, TWRLS, UbioWeldingLtd, UniversalStorage, VenStockRevamp, VesselView, VOID, WasdEditorCamera, Windowshine, ScreenMessageHider



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