Lefty Baker - from Spanky and Our Gang, 1960's pop group

Описание к видео Lefty Baker - from Spanky and Our Gang, 1960's pop group

clearing out the garage..... found old memories of studio partnership - Bob Covington, Bill Broughton, Lefty Baker, Jim Covington.... AND a lost 10" reel of demo songs of Lefty's from our production company and studio, Far West Recording Productions, Inc., across from Warner Bros. Movie Studios on Olive St. in Burbank, Calif. This song was recorded in 1971, using RCA ribbon mics and an Ampex AG440 transport on 1/2" tape. Lefty had recorded several, and as I am able to transfer each track to a wave file and mix them, I will post the songs on You Tube... stay tuned...


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