Flower Ornament Sutra 華嚴經 — Book 37 Video 1

Описание к видео Flower Ornament Sutra 華嚴經 — Book 37 Video 1

"Flower Ornament Scripture (Buddhāvataṃsaka Sūtra or 大方廣佛華嚴經 )
#flowerornamentsutra #Buddhavatamsaka #華嚴經

The narration is based on ""The Flower Ornament Scripture: A Translation of the Avatamsaka Sutra” (Hard cover) translated by Thomas Cleary (1993, New Edition). https:// tinyurl.com / Flowerornament (revise the URL). The scripture was revised slightly for the purpose to be narrated by iOS VoiceDream app correctly. There are still some narration mispronounciations, which I cannot fix easily.

Book 37 (Manifestation of Buddha) Video 1 includes contents in pages from 970 to 978 in Cleary's 'Flower Ornament Scripture'. In Chinese 華嚴經, it is from 如來出現品."


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