Описание к видео RGB

RGB is available on Club Kissability on 2nd December 2013

Pre-order the cassette single here - http://clubkissability.bigcartel.com/...

Buy tickets to one of three release parties in a WW2 bunker - https://www.musicglue.com/g-l-i-t-c-h...

Director & Choreographer: Holly Blakey
Producer: Simone Radclyffe
Production Company: Oliver's Island
DoP: Doug Walshe
Focus Puller: Bruno Travers
Camera Assistant: Alexandra Medeville
Runners: Ben Pengilly, Duncan Lawford
Stylist: Isabella Lopez-Smith
Make-Up: Hannah Locke
Location: The Art Academy

Lead Dancer: Nandi Bhebhe / Box Artist Management
Performers: Rowan Thomas Clift, Edmund Attrill, Joshua Hubbard

Edit Assistant: Christopher Young
Editor: Gaia Borretti
Colourist: Sam Bailey
Behind The Scenes (Filming and editing): Katie Craik

Official http://www.glitchesmusic.com
Facebook:   / glitchesmusic  
Twitter:   / glitchesmusic  

Holly Blakey http://www.hollyblakey.co.uk/
Oliver's Island http://www.oliversisland.co.uk


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