Blue emperor tetra aka Royal tetra (Inpaichthys kerri) schooling around. Community Aquarium

Описание к видео Blue emperor tetra aka Royal tetra (Inpaichthys kerri) schooling around. Community Aquarium

They had always been the most consistently schooling fish in my experience, at least, among the tetras. Blue/purple emperor tetras, aka Royal tetras (Inpaichthys kerri) are great peaceful community fish for your larger aquarium. They may live in smaller tanks but having them in larger numbers and larger enclosures offer better looks.

Although they do it frequently, it's hard to record them while doing it because they stop the moment they'd detect movement around the room the tank's in. Recently before this was filmed, the tank was relocated to a place where I can setup a camera far away enough to let me record some behaviors.
#aquarium #fish


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