1. Neutron is very inert with 3x3 matrix, 3^2 space and not attracted electron 2x2,2^2 in 2 neutral sequences:
• Pham Hoai Dang Part 151.1 Neutron 3x3...
2. Neutral sequences in 1 absolute unit & Alcubi bubble use proton traveling Soliton, perfect neutral soliton:
• Phạm Hoài Đăng Part 151.2 Neutral seq...
3. Decimal number point. is spacetime foam; Spin .-+ proton, neutron from negative -1/3 to positive +2/3:
• Phạm Hải Đăng Part 151.3 Deci num poi...
4. Black hole attracting nearer d2 101 d3 01 releasing further u1 10 u2 010; Proton and neutron of duality symmetric 10 1 01, 01 0 10:
• Pham Hoai Dang Part 151.4 Quarks dual...
5. Dimensional quantum space computer; graviton unifold time & manifold space; nearer & further negative-positive bubble; observe singularity of black holes:
• Pham Hoai Dang Part 151.5 dim quant s...
6. Fix many errors Và hẹn sẽ dịch tiếng Việt phần 150, 151:
• Phạm Văn Đăng Part 151.6 Fix many err...
7. Máy tính không gian lượng tử đa-chiều mDQSC; Lỗ đen thời gian đơn gấp hút mì spaghetti thoát khỏi không gian đa gấp:
• Phạm Hải Đăng Part 151.7 Máy tính kgi...
VIII. THE SPACE OF OTHER PARTICLES EXIST ON 13&14.4210486258(19240926724136925885):
8. III analysis about tail 19240926724136925885 of 13&14.4210486258(19240926724136925885):
• Phạm Hoài Đăng Part 151.8 Analysis 19...
9. Magic math performing e32 d3-2 u1d2 3^2.2^2 perform duality quark u1d2 32.22 & superpositions ... - 32 + ... – 2, ... - 3x3 + ... -1-1, - (1 + 3x3 + 1):
• Pham Hoai Dang Part 151.9 Magic math ...
10. Check 2 subtraction times on proton-electron:
11. proton-electron decrease dimensions, static quantum space in 2 subtraction times:
• Pham Hoai Dang Part 151.11 prot-elect...
12. 7 dimensional or 32 – 2 positive stretching connection quantum space & shape 2 replace shape 1:
• Phạm Hải Đăng Part 151.12 7 dim, 3^2–...
13. Appearing string 2 eu1u2 d3e replacing string 1:
• Pham Hoai Dang Part 151.13 Appearing ...
14. Magic math 1 positive dimension proton, neutron inner 3 quark spaces 1st,3th,5th subtract and -1 negative dimension electron outer 5, 5+, 6-dimensional space 2nd,4th,6th subtract:
• Phạm Hải Đăng Part 151.14 Magic math ...
15. Spacetime quark-electron computer operate and Formal Language:
• Phạm Văn Đăng Part 151.15 Spacetime q...
16. Start End Complex rings ij = 4 flexible digital data e 00 d3 01 u1 10 e 11, u2 010, d2/reverse u2 101:
• Pham Hoai Dang Part 151.16 StartEnd C...
17. 5th-dimensional connection neutron is contraction, connect electron & won’t be able to create Network:
• Pham Hoai Dang Part 151.17 5thdim con...
18. Center positive H+ electric current of proton u1u2d3 moving into ping tubes Start ij u1u2 d3 10010 01 End:
• Pham Hoai Dang Part 151.18 center H+ ...
19. 2 cases of 5-dim entangled twistor quantum space and 5-dim expansion quark-proton computer:
• Pham Hoai Dang Part 151.19 2 cases 5 ...
20. 4d H+ u1u2d3 proton space contract stopping time electron e-, anti-q & 4d u1d2d3 neutron space disconnect 5d connecting orbit space prevent Hawking radiation:
• Phạm Hoài Đăng Part 151.20 4d prot co...
21. How can we make 4-dimensional bubble that don’t occur 5-dimensional wormholes:
• Pham Hoai Dang Part 151 21 How can we...
22. Dimension = 0 = 15 – 15(14) = 14 – 14(13) flat quantum space, particle spaces are flat:
• Phạm Văn Đăng Part 151.22 Dim = 0 = 1...
23. 5-dimensional orbiting space orbit surround 5-dimensional wormholes (quantum tunneling) and rotate orbiting surround 4-dimensional quantum space:
• Pham Hoai Dang Part 151.23 5d orbit s...
24. The conclusion for meaning quark proton computer, neutron Alcubierre bubble:
• Pham Hoai Dang Part 151.24 Conclusion...
25. Quark-proton bubble computer electron string tunneling & 4d spherical Alcubierre space(time) xα 5d (space)time:
• Phạm Văn Đăng Part 151.25 quark prot ...
26. Neutron transformation the binary number for 19240926724136925885:
• Phạm Hải Đăng Part 151.26 Neutron tra...
27. Subtraction times 1 u1 10 and u2 010 with proton -000 & e 11 xα0 e11 through d2 α1101α1:
• Phạm Hoài Đăng Part 151.27 Subtract 1...
Video 151.27 00:00:00 - 1:41 PM.
Các unsolved problem trong General physics, Quantum gravity, Quantum physics, Cosmology and general relativity gần như đã được giải quyết hết. Chỉ còn lại một vài vấn đề, ví dụ:
Problem of time.
Origin and future of the universe.
Size of universe.
Baryon asymmetry.
Extra dimensions.
And: High-energy physics/particle physics
Chúng ta có thể du hành các vũ trụ khác bằng lý thuyết của Roger Penrose Conformal cyclic cosmology về Vũ trụ tuần hoàn dạng không gian co bởi lỗ đen mở rộng Big Bang để đi đến các vũ trụ khác như vũ trụ bao trùm, vũ trụ bên trong và vũ trụ song song. (Kết thúc lúc 00:23:00 - 2:04 PM)
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