DON'T Move to Murfreesboro TN| WATCH BEFORE MOVING to Murfreesboro Tennessee

Описание к видео DON'T Move to Murfreesboro TN| WATCH BEFORE MOVING to Murfreesboro Tennessee

Should you really move to Murfreesboro Tennessee? Let's discuss the 5 CONS of moving to Murfreesboro Tennessee! If you're wondering what Murfreesboro life is like, listen to a few of the downsides of living in Murfreesboro Tennessee. There are a TON of pros – don’t get me wrong. I wouldn’t live here if the pros of living in Murfreesboro didn’t FAR outweigh the cons – but it’s worth noting that there are a few things that people DON'T like about living in Murfreesboro TN.

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Why Murfreesboro TN Is the Place to Be in 2024/Living in Murfreesboro TN:    • ALL NEW Pros of Living in Murfreesbor...  
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Pros & Cons of Living in TN:    • ALL NEW Living in Tennessee | Pros & ...  
All you need to know about TN Property Taxes:    • Tennessee Property Taxes  

I'm Rachael Hadidsaz, a Realtor®️ born & raised in Tennessee. Currently I'm living in Murfreesboro, Tennessee and my real estate business is brokered by Epique Realty. As a lifelong Tennessee resident, I can’t imagine living anywhere but here. I grew up in Cookeville, TN and attended the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, TN before relocating to Murfreesboro TN in 2016. I know firsthand what it’s like moving to a new city where you may not know anyone or much about the area. My goal with this channel is to empower the public on what life is like in the Murfreesboro area, and a taste of what Tennessee living is, so that YOU can make the best decision for you and your family. To chat with me about buying or selling a home in the Middle Tennessee area, you can call/text/email me or set up an appointment directly to my calender:

[email protected]

View LOCAL HOME LISTINGS here 👉 https://rachaelhadidsaz.epiquerealty....

FREE Murfreesboro Relocation guide 👉

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For information on partnering with us here at Epique Realty here are some additional resources👉 https://rachaelhadidsaz.epiquerealty....

Epique Realty
40 Burton Hills Boulevard Ste 200
Nashville, TN 37215
*Mailing address for brokerage only!! Epique Realty is a unique cloud-based brokerage, and most agents work directly from home. Please contact me directly to set up a meeting.

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