Camera Cafe119: Leica CL / Leitz minolta CL CdS replacement from Polar Bear Camera (English / Thai)

Описание к видео Camera Cafe119: Leica CL / Leitz minolta CL CdS replacement from Polar Bear Camera (English / Thai)

Hello, I'm Kelvin from Thailand. This video reviews the prototype replacement cell in English and Thai language.

Leica CL / Leitz minolta CL is a great m mount compact size rangefinder camera. I love the shutter speed indicator and built-in spot metering needle in the viewfinder. Too bad that the CdS cell of the metering did not age well, rendering the light meter system useless.

Thanks to Polar Bear Camera for building this replacement cell and let me experiment with it. After installing and tuning, the metering is very accurate from shutter speed 1/125s to 1/1000s under both bright and dim light condition.

And from 1/60s and below, due to just a bit too high Ohm that two LDRs generate under dark condition, the meter suggests the setting of 1 stop overexpose.
Knowing this, I can use this replacement cell as is.

Choosing what the meter suggest when shutter speed is 1/125s and above.

When using shutter speed is 1/60s and below, choosing 1 stop faster shutter speed from what the meter suggest.

And more great news! the improve version with three LDRs will be available soon from Polar Bear Camera.
One more LDR connected in parallel can reduce Ohm value under dark condition. I will make another reviewing video once I received it.


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