Tangem vs Trezor Safe 3: Budget Wallet Battle!

Описание к видео Tangem vs Trezor Safe 3: Budget Wallet Battle!

Both Tangem and the Trezor Safe 3 are affordable and user-friendly cold wallets. So I had no choice but to compare the two in this battle of budget wallets!

🌟 Here’s Tangem’s 10% OFF Link:


Or use code “CYBERSCRILLA” at checkout!

🌟 Trezor Safe 3 (8% Off Code):

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0:00 - Tangem Discount Codes
0:29 - Tangem User-Friendliness
2:18 - Safe 3 User-Friendliness
3:46 - Tangem Security
5:49 - Trezor Safe 3 Security
8:16 - Tangem Coin Support/Staking
9:11 - Safe 3 Coin Support/Staking
9:46 - Tangem Pricing Options
10:33 - Safe 3 Pricing Options
10:56 - Making a choice

Disclaimer: The information provided is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial, legal, or tax advice. The content reflects the speaker's opinions and is not from a licensed financial advisor or registered investment advisor. Please note that this description contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase through one of these links, the channel may earn a commission (at no additional cost to you). Thank you for supporting us!

Wishing you safe and successful crypto adventures.
Alex Gomez 🫶

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