Part 1: N43 Crank No Start, VANOS codes, Low oil pressure Diagnosis [ • N43 Crank No Start, VANOS codes, Low... ]
Part 2: N43 Valve Cover, VANOS Units & Camshafts Removal [ • N43 Valve Cover, VANOS & Camshafts Re... ]
Part 3: N43 VANOS Inspection & Cleanup [ • N43 VANOS Inspection & Cleanup | PART #3 ]
Part 4: N43 Intake Manifold Removal [ • Видео ]
Part 5: N43 Transmission, Clutch, Flywheel Removal [ • N43 Transmission, Clutch & Flywheel R... ]
Part 6: N43 Engine Removal [ • N43 Engine Removal | PART #6 ]
Part 7: N43 Teardown: Low oil pressure & Spun bearings [ • N43 Autopsy Teardown: Low oil pressur... ]
Part 8: N43 Bottom End Rebuild PART 1 [ • N43 Bottom End Rebuild after spun con... ]
Part 9: N43 Cylinder Head Rebuild PART 2 [ • Saving BMW Cylinder Head - N43 Rebuil... ]
Part 10: N43 Timing and assembly PART 3 [ • N43 Timing & Complete Engine assembly... ]
Part 11: N43 Engine & Radiator Installation [ • N43 Engine & Radiator Installation ]
Part 12: N43 Intake Manifold Gaskets Replacement & Installation [ • N43 Intake Manifold Installation /w C... ]
Part 13: N43 Clutch Replacement, Flywheel & Transmission Installation [Coming soon...]
Part 14: N43 First Start after DIY engine rebuild [ • N43 First Start after DIY engine rebu... ]
Part 15: N43 Diagnosing and fixing low oil pressure error code 30C1 [ • Diagnose & Fix low oil pressure light... ]
Part 16: N43 Diagnosing and replacing leaking injectors w/ adaptations [Coming soon...]
Part:17: What did I learn doing my first engine rebuild? [Coming soon...]
Part 18: O God, please, let it end...!
BMW Lifters Cleaning, Bleeding, Checking & How they work [ • BMW Lifters Cleaning, Bleeding, Check... ]
Buy Valve Spring Compressor Tool Kit for BMW N42/N46/N40/N45/N43:
How to use the VSCT tool: • Using 3D printed tool to replace Valv...
Fix oil consumption on BMW N42/N46: • BMW N42/N46 Valve Stem Seals Replacem...
I diagnose a BMW 116i N43 engine crank, no start, knocking sound, with VANOS and low oil pressure MSD80 INPA codes. Copper bearing material in oil filter, clogged VANOS solenoids. Car has 216.000 km.
10905 0x2A99 Kurbelwelle - Auslassnockenwelle, Referenz
(4173) Wert außerhalb Referenzbereich
10887 0x2A87 Auslass-VANOS, Mechanik
(4168) schwergängig, klemmt mechanisch
12481 0x30C1 Motoröldruckregelung, statisch
(4763) Druck zu niedrig
12190 0x2F9E Thermischer Ölniveausensor
(4169) Signal fehlt
10906 0x2A9A Kurbelwelle - Einlassnockenwelle, Synchronisation
(4174) Signal ungültig für Synchronisation
11562 0x2D2A Differenzdrucksensor, Saugrohr: Adaption
(5224) Druck unplausibel
0:00 Intro
0:24 Remove cabin microfilter filter housing
2:27 Remove intake duct
2:40 Remove engine acoustic cover
3:15 Remove ignition coils
4:11 Remove wiring harnes, grounding wires, disconnect injector connectors, high pressure fuel pump connector
5:55 Remove front support strut
6:45 Remove high pressure pump, fuel rail lines, disconnect low pressure fuel line
13:10 Remove valve cover
14:53 Checking chain tension, plastic guide rail, checking if VANOS units are locked
15:17 Using N43 timing locking tools to remove VANOS units, chain jumped?
21:59 Removing intake and exhaust camshafts, bolt release pattern
25:46 Next videos: replacing the chain, replacing valve stem seals.
N43B16, N43B20, N43B20A, N43B20AA
2007-2011 E81/E87 116i
2007-2011 E90/E91/E92/E93 318i
2008-2011 E81/E87/E88 118i
2007-2011 E81/E82/E87/E88 120i
2007-2011 E90/E91/E92/E93 320i
2007-2009 E60/E61 520i
BimmerZen assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. Use this information at your own risk. BimmerZen recommends safe practices when working on vehicles and or with tools seen or implied in this video. Due to factors beyond the control of BimmerZen , no information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or from the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not BimmerZen.
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