Post Nerf Capsarius AFK Guide | Runescape 3 Slayer Guide

Описание к видео Post Nerf Capsarius AFK Guide | Runescape 3 Slayer Guide

The Ultimate Capsarius afking guide post combat update nerf. But wait there's more! Bonus Rorarius footage that definitely didn't make the video too long for no reason :)
1100 kph
2.85 of each keystone/hr
12m gp/hr

New addition: It theoretically is possible to get the decimation bow to a 375 min hit, however, the gear req is unreasonably high or the method would require too much effort for it to be worth (shard/excal on cd) or would require you to move down to 4 caps, which can lead to lower kph. For that reason, its more optimal to just get a few kph less when you don't 1shot the cap.

Boss gp/hr calc:

Slayer Rates (unfinished):

00:00 Intro
00:54 Rorarius
02:57 Collecting Caps souls
04:56 Prayers/Curses
06:10 Buffs
07:20 Preset
11:58 Perks
13:23 Recent nerfs
14:23 Kph + gp/hr
15:55 Outro


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