Nick & June - Because I can't Lose You (2x06)

Описание к видео Nick & June - Because I can't Lose You (2x06)

serious question - aren't you guys tired of me posting these vids every week for each ep? don't they all look the same to you ? i hate to repeat myself so i really try my best to make them all different but with the same scenes it's really challenging. so i'm just asking you.
this week i hope i will also make one more vid with a new show and a new ship. follow me on twitter to keep up @dramaquinning


so......... guys......... omg so many feels after this ep! HE SAID I LOVE YOU I REPEAT ILY SEND HELP. these two are so unique, we are truly blessed to witness their story with such chemistry on our screens. she begged him to sleep with another woman for his safety. it was like
- you have to do it
- i can't , i love you
- you have to do it or you'll die. do it for me because i can't fckng live without you!!!!!
it's so fcked up but also kinda beautiful under these circumstances in that fcked world , i'm bawling.

i think my vid will tell you the rest for me. Enjoy!
#fanvidfeed #thehandmaidstale #nickandjune


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