King's Field II #36 - Final Battles & Good Ending

Описание к видео King's Field II #36 - Final Battles & Good Ending

Time to see this story come to an end sadly. Flash still manages to be a broken spell too. What better way to go out with a bang then to make the two final bosses my personal magical beat-em-up toys.

If you take the linear path past the two doors to the north & south, you'll reach the first final boss when a cutscene takes over. He's none other than the king himself.

King Alfred has some fairly powerful ranged moves and he's not that bad in melee combat. The reason he drops within a minute is because of my insane Light Magic power. A total of 179 coupled with Flash spamming does that.

After beating him, if you don't have the Moonlight Sword, you get the bad ending where it's implied that Lyle turns evil just like his father.

This isn't the bad ending though and the spirit of Alfred talks to you and tells you one more entity must be destroyed...Seath. He powers up your Moonlight Sword before disappearing, making it even stronger and granting HP regen on top of its MP regen.

You can also claim Alfred's weapon he was using against you, the Dark Slayer. I believe it has the same stats as it did from the first game. It's your call on whether you use this or the new Moonlight Sword.

I end up switching my equipment around a bit to have more magic defenses, then take the teleporter to reach Seath, the true final boss.

Seath apparently took the form of a humanoid rather than a dragon like Guyra. He's pretty damn aggressive and fires off flash projectiles rather often. Not that they do much damage though with my equipment setup.

His physicals do some respectable damage and knock you back some.

Nothing really to talk about for strategy here, just Flash him into oblivion while keeping your HP topped off until he kicks it.

Afterwards, you get to view the ending which involved Lyle getting his queen to be, Lyn, revived thanks to Vallad's power or something, then the credits roll.

Quite a long game this was, but it was fun.

Until next time!


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