Healthy Travelling

Описание к видео Healthy Travelling

Many Canadians are packing their bags for their annual trip down south to spend the winter months somewhere tropical. Travelling has cognitive and physical benefits, so how can you continue to see the world while staying healthy? How can you get the right care when you’re away?

Here, Medcan CMO Dr. Peter Nord is joined by clinical director of travel medicine, Dr. Aisha Khatib. Learn how you can deal with health issues effectively while abroad, (or even prevent them before you leave). Plus, get tips to zap your jet lag—whether you’re gone for the week or the whole winter.


For complete episode links and time-coded insights, visit the Eat Move Think episode 191 web page:

If you'd like to see how Medcan can help you live well, for life, contact one of our dedicated client service specialists today at [email protected] or 416.350.3621 or visit Medcan's web site:

Eat Move Think is produced by Ghost Bureau:


0:00 ROAMD is new at Medcan.
03:15 Where in the world is Dr. Nord?
04:25 Meet Dr. Aisha Khatib.
06:08 Dr. Khatib went viral on the internet after she delivered a baby on a plane.
08:28 The proven benefits of travel
11:34 The number one cause of death in travellers is not disease.
12:45 What a travel medicine doctor will ask you
13:12 Useful resources: the first, best way to protect yourself
15:45 How to know which vaccines you need
18:50 Dr. Khatib’s biggest push: the flu vaccine as a travel immunization
20:44 Preventing and managing traveller’s diarrhea
23:06 Decrease your risk of getting COVID while travelling
24:04 Do you need travel insurance?
25:25 Your credit card might not cut it.
26:23 ROAMD: access to 72+ concierge clinics while travelling
27:43 Staying safe in airports and planes
31:56 Lower your risk of blood clots during long travel days
33:44 Sustainability and travel: understand your impact


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