Ritual Beasts - Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome (EDOPro Replay)

Описание к видео Ritual Beasts - Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome (EDOPro Replay)

Post Game Analysis:
It turns out that Apelio + Inheritance + Lara is another Anti-Nibiru Combo via the Ulti-Nochiudrago Choke Point.

Note: There are dozens or maybe even hundreds of different 3-3.5 card Anti Nib combos in this deck stemming from the Ulti-Kimunfalcos or Ulti-Nochiudrago Choke Points.

My line for Early Nib was:
1. NS Cannahawk banish SBTL
2. SS Rampengu
3. Mill Winda
4. Overlay for IFB to search Flag and Protos
5. Link into Cross-sheep
6. Summon Protos to reborn flag with cross-sheep
7. Call dark with protos and link into Reirautari
8. Add back Lara from banished and reborn Cannahawk
9. Start looping Ulti-Cannahawk to search as many omni negates as possible. (should be 2 searches)

So the only way my opponent wins this is if he nibs on 5 summons and then immediately veilers my follow up.

If he uses veiler on my first normal summon (Lara):
1. Banish Apelio and SBTL for Ulti-Nochiudrago
2. Trigger SBTL to SS Cannahawk
3. Cannahawk eff to banish rampengu
4. Contact fuse into ulti-cannahawk and tag out for Lara + SBTL while searching Elder.

This puts me at the Ulti-Nochiudragon Choke Point with Elder + Pettle + Banished Rampengu to continue my combo, and Steeds in hand to negate the Nibiru.

5. Summon Ulti-Gaiapelio to protect from Nibiru
6. NS Elder and Pettle
7. Contact fuse into Ulti-Cannahawk and tag out for Elder + Rampengu while searching Wen.
8. Rampengu eff to send Winda
9. Link into Ulti-Kimunfalcos and use it's effect to NS Wen. Wen eff to summon back Pettle
10. Contact fuse into Ulti-Cannahawk. Search an omni negate and tag out for Apelio + Winda
11. Overlay Apelio and Winda for IFB and search Flag + Protos
12. Link into Ulti-Reirautari using Flag, IFB, and Ulti-Kimunfalcos.
13. Summon Protos and add call dark
14. Use Ulti-Reirautari's effect to add back and extra omni negate (or steeds if it was banished to negate Nibiru)

0:00 Ritual Beast vs Memento
1:52 Decklist

1. Tristam - The Vine

Thumbnail Credit:
- I tried looking through a reverse image search but couldn't find the original artist


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