Biofloc feed chart: Maximizing Growth and Reducing feed Costs

Описание к видео Biofloc feed chart: Maximizing Growth and Reducing feed Costs

Feed management in Biofloc fish farming is an essential factor in achieving maximum fish growth with minimum feed cost. Fish in a Biofloc system require 25-30% protein feed, which is recycled by bacterial communities present in the Biofloc tank once the fish excrete it. This improves the feed conversion ratio and reduces feed costs by 40% compared to conventional fish farming. Additionally, the recycled feed also contains essential minerals and is more nutritionally beneficial for fish health.

For proper feed management, fish must be fed according to their body weight. Fish should be weighed every month or couple of weeks and fed accordingly. The table contains useful data about different fish species and their required feed according to their body weight. These include tilapia fish and pangasius fish, which are the most suitable fish for Biofloc systems.
Average fish weight must be calculated by weighing 10-20 fish and taking their average weight. Then, fish must be fed accordingly. Different weight categories are mentioned in the table provided. Take a screenshot of the table for reference when feeding fish.

Fish should be fed 2-3 times a day, ideally at the same time, for better microbial activity. While feeding, farmers must also monitor the fish consumption rate. Faster consumption of fish feed indicates optimum water quality and parameters, whereas a slower consumption rate or no consumption indicates poor water quality and excessive toxic accumulation in the tank. In this case, feeding must be stopped until water quality improves and reaches optimum levels.

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