नेचुरल आम की आइस क्रीम की विधि - नरम बाज़ार जैसी mango ice cream recipe बिना मशीन - cookingshooking

Описание к видео नेचुरल आम की आइस क्रीम की विधि - नरम बाज़ार जैसी mango ice cream recipe बिना मशीन - cookingshooking

Dosto aaj ghar me natural mango ki ice cream recipe banaenge.. mast soft creamy aur airy rahegi, cream se double to aam use kia hain humne to flavor jhakkas rahega!

Hand Whisk - https://amzn.to/2VaYmQE
Whisk Machine - https://amzn.to/2DhdCBy (m

CookingShooking ko jarur subscribe karein - https://goo.gl/MH3A4r

Instagram me follow jarur karein -   / cooking.shooking  

English videos - https://goo.gl/Sxk4Fp

Ingredients Homemade Ice Cream ke:
Cream - 1 cup (whipping / amul)
Sugar Powder - ½ cup (1 cup agar amul cream use)
Doodh - ½ cup
MilkMaid MithaiMate - ½ cup
Aam ka Puree - 2 cup (1 cup agar amul cream use)
Aam - 1

Kitchen Products I use:
Measuring Cup & Spoon Set - https://amzn.to/2KZBVpq
Kitchen Weight Scale - https://amzn.to/2ug3G65
Instant Yeast - https://amzn.to/2N2wzuf (500gms, keep frozen in airtight container, will stay good for years)
Instant Yeast - https://amzn.to/2KZSkdn (small pack)
Pizza Screen - https://amzn.to/2m4zpn6 (3 pack - 6,7,8 inches)
Parchment Paper - much better than butter paper, and it is reusable - https://amzn.to/2MZFGvC
Good NonStick Pan - https://amzn.to/2zl0hsa
Whipping Cream - https://amzn.to/2ugPB8m
Oven For Baking - https://amzn.to/2udP3A5 (28liter is good enough)
Microwave - https://amzn.to/2ubhHmn (not good)


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