FAOff vs FAOn - directional thrust and speed limits (FAOff Coach 1111 - gameplay mechanics)

Описание к видео FAOff vs FAOn - directional thrust and speed limits (FAOff Coach 1111 - gameplay mechanics)

Flight Assist Off Coach is a project to make flight assist off more accessible to Elite Dangerous players. This second series of videos are extracts from a Twitch stream where I was joined by commanders - both in game and chat - interested in learning. It breaks down some of the drills for practising FAOff, and discusses some of the logic and mechanics of flying without computer correction.

The goal is to continue expanding on this using a similar format - bringing in additional levels of complexity and skill. A lot of these early drills and information will be similar to existing videos, but as the series progresses the aim will be to bring in more esoteric information.

Flight Assist Off Coach videos will be uploaded to this playlist    • Flight Assist Off Coach (FAOff Coach)  

This was originally streamed on my Twitch,   / barnardo7_   with co-streaming from Unusual Cupcake (who you can hear in voice comms)   / unusualcupcake   and amongst other commanders that joined was the streamer Brother Sabathius   / brother_sabathius   and Jack Lyttle   / jacklyttle  

I'm a flight assist off pilot. If this is a skill you're interested in learning, I recommend checking out this playlist of videos that helped me learn, as well as checking out the group Newton's Gambit who have a very useful Discord.
Playlist:    • E:D FAOff  
Newton's Gambit:   / discord  


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