Uterine Polyps: Symptoms, Removal, and Impacts on Fertility, Pregnancy and TTC

Описание к видео Uterine Polyps: Symptoms, Removal, and Impacts on Fertility, Pregnancy and TTC

Double board certified OBGYN and RE, Dr. Natalie Crawford, breaks down endometrial polyps explaining how they’re diagnosed, what it means, and what should be done.

Questions Answered:
What is an endometrial polyp?
Who is at risk for endometrial polyps?
What are the symptoms of polyps?
Why can polyps impact your fertility?
Should you get them removed?
What do studies say about pregnancy rates before and after removal?
How are polyps found?
What is a hysteroscopy?
How common are polyps?
Can polyps be cancerous?
What is the polyp removal surgery like?

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Fertility doctor, Natalie Crawford, MD is a double board certified OBGYN and REI, and co-founder of Fora Fertility, a boutique fertility practice in Austin, Texas.

Blog: nataliecrawfordmd.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nataliecraw...
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/ncrawfordmd?lang=en
Facebook:   / nataliecrawfordmd  
Email: [email protected]

715 W 34th Street, Austin, TX 78705
To become a patient: email [email protected] or call 512-956-5006

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Sharing fertility facts to educate women about trying to conceive, getting pregnant, ovulation, fertility treatments, IUI, IVF, becoming a doctor, life as a woman in medicine, and more.


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