Michael Ostrolenk – Mind into Matter

Описание к видео Michael Ostrolenk – Mind into Matter

Michael Ostrolenk has been on a journey of self-discovery and is working with others through transpersonal counseling psychology. Having developed an autoimmune disease as a child and possessing divergent learning styles that the rigid educational system couldn’t handle, the conventional wisdom of doctors and educators almost robbed him of his creativity, independence, and, ultimately, his life. Michael has been on a remarkable journey of self-discovery and mastery, starting as a nine-year-old. It began with Michael discovering the power of meditation, guided imagery, and biofeedback. These practices became his way of managing internal states and overcoming challenges. This early fascination sparked a lifelong curiosity about human potential and extraordinary capabilities. His quest led him to become a licensed marriage and family therapist with a transpersonal specialization, diving deep into the mysteries of the human mind and spirit. Along the way, Michael pursued post-graduate training in somatic psychology and earned his coaching certification through New York University (NYU). As a Master Coach at SEALFIT's Unbeatable Mind Academy and Director of Human Resilience at Apeiron Zoh, Michael has the privilege of guiding others on their paths to greatness. Specializing in providing tools, practices, and support, his mission is to propel you toward the life and relationships you yearn to achieve. You can learn more about Michael at michaeldostrolenk.com.


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