Executive Presence | Sylvia Ann Hewlett | Talks at Google

Описание к видео Executive Presence | Sylvia Ann Hewlett | Talks at Google

Do you exude confidence and credibility? Can you command a room? Sylvia Ann Hewlett, one of the world's most influential business thinkers, cracks the code of Executive Presence (EP).

You might have the qualifications to be considered for your dream job, but you won't get it unless you can signal that you're "leadership material" and that you "have what it takes." Professionals are judged on presence as well as performance. Using a wealth of data, Hewlett reveals EP to be a dynamic mix of three things: how you act (gravitas), how you speak (communication) and how you look (appearance).

Sylvia Ann Hewlett is the founding president of the Center for Talent Innovation, a Manhattan-based think tank where she chairs a Task Force of 82 multinational companies focused on fully realizing the new streams of labor in the global marketplace.

Sylvia's books can be found on Google Play: http://goo.gl/OFqhbv


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