Rocklands Boulder Climbing Film " Orange Paradys" / Athlete Maria Al.

Описание к видео Rocklands Boulder Climbing Film " Orange Paradys" / Athlete Maria Al.

Several memories of my trip to Rocklands collected in one video. It was a great adventure with lots of climbing, friends, but above all life lessons. It was a journey that shaped my life in so many ways, one of them of how I approach climbing now. Back then I didn't know that I became the first female Mexican to climb 8a. I found out months later, and the truth is that when I knew, a felt very proud of myself, and at the same time so vulnerable because I had a very serious ankle injury. That's how strong and fragile we can be. That was the greatest lesson of my trip, that nothing is forever. After a long time, I finished this video that is specially dedicated to my family, friends, and sponsors for their unconditional support. Climbing is something very magical, however, it’s not going to change the world, but it will change people, who perhaps can be the ones who make a positive change in society. Regardless of the obstacles that are crossed in our way, may not let motivation go away.


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