172: Harold Burdette - Time Flies When You're Making Teeth

Описание к видео 172: Harold Burdette - Time Flies When You're Making Teeth

[Donate to the Race For the Future 7.0! Aug 28-29 in Chicago, Ill. ](http://dentallabfoundation.org/news-e...)

If you have ever been to a dental show like LMT Lab Day Chicago or Vision 21, you probably have seen a guy with white hair and a white beard with a thick southern accent making a group of people laugh. That is Harold Burdette from "Lab of the Year" [Burdette Dental Laboratory](https://www.burdettedental.com/). Harold comes on the podcast to talk about working in his dad's lab back in the 70s (starting during the beginning of PFMs) and growing that business to become one of the longest family owned labs, being a part of the [TEREC group](http://terecna.com/), and what a semi-retired technician does when he hands to lab to the next generation in his family. Great stories from a technician that knows it all.

[Whip Mix](https://www.whipmix.com/) introduces the [CUREbox Plus](https://www.whipmix.com/products/cure..., a new curing unit that ensures the proper and full polymerization of 3D printed resins. It really is the ideal curing unit for dental labs and dentists because the CUREbox Plus uses light and heat energy, with controlled time and temperature, to provide an ideal environment suitable for post-curing SLA and DLP type 3D printed models.
The American-made, competitively priced curing unit is very easy to use and has a large capacity curing chamber for high production, is super easy to clean and maintain, and offers a one-year warranty which covers everything but the inexpensive, long-lasting UV LED lamps.
Though the CUREbox Plus can cure virtually any printed resin, it has been qualified with the following Whip Mix resins: [Veriguide OS](https://www.whipmix.com/products/veri..., [VeriSplint OS](https://www.whipmix.com/products/veri...,[ Dentca denture base](https://www.whipmix.com/products/dent..., denture teeth, try-in, and [Temporary Crown and Bridge](https://www.whipmix.com/products/dent....
If you’d like to learn more about this in-demand product, visit www.whipmix.com.


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