Working on a Fiction-Based Aircraft as a Smithsonian Museum Specialist

Описание к видео Working on a Fiction-Based Aircraft as a Smithsonian Museum Specialist

What's it like working on a fictional aircraft when you're used to the real thing? National Air and Space museum specialist Matthew Voight explains to Adam Savage, identifies some of its real-world elements, then describes how he and his team plan to hang the Smithsonian's X-Wing without drastically altering its structure.

Why There's an X-Wing in the Smithsonian:    • Why There's an X-Wing in the Smithsonian  

Shot and edited by Joey Fameli
Produced by Kristen Lomasney

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Norman Chan   / nchan  
Joey Fameli
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Jen Schachter
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Sean Charlesworth   / cworthdynamics  
Jeremy Williams   / jerware  
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Kristen Lomasney   / krystynlo  

Intro bumper by Abe Dieckman

Thanks for watching!

#AdamSavage #Smithsonian #XWing


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