This Canadian University is Out of its Mind

Описание к видео This Canadian University is Out of its Mind

On this video we'll read together and talk about the directives and public guidelines on what language is deemed offensive and what is considered an acceptable replacement within the structure of the university of Waterloo in Canada. Let bring some sense into this mess. I hope you enjoy the video.

You will find this page on the Race and ethnicity: Terminology section of | University Relations

Link to the page:

Do you agree with the language assessment and proposals of this page? Do you agree or disagree with the idea that these specific words are deemed offensive? Let me know in the comments, and as always thanks for watching noble ones.

Language can be a powerful tool, but the control of language can also be a tool of manipulation of the masses. There is a line that must not be crossed by governments and institutions that must be protected.

Controlling what can be said and more important what should be said is a way to manipulate the masses and force those who disagree with your message or those who don't have an opinion to still present and spread your message.

Historically this has been used by many governments and institutions throughout the human experience, at the expense of the masses, to control said masses.

It has happened within the propaganda systems of both far left and far right totalitarian regimes and those who know history recognize the steps. Will you stay idle? Or will you speak?

I will speak.

#censored #offended #politicallycorrect


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