Startup Champions Seed Night 2021

Описание к видео Startup Champions Seed Night 2021

EPFL Alumni, EPFL Vice Presidency for Innovation and Venturelab are thrilled to welcome you to the 10th edition of the Startup Champions Seed Night 2021 online. Designed to make you discover the most promising entrepreneurs from EPFL and beyond this event will feature a live pitch competition of 20 startups: in 90 seconds, they will show you how their technology is going to change the world! As usual you will get the opportunity to vote live for your favorite project.

The event is free of charge.

17:00: Welcome
17:05: Startup pitch competition part 1
17:40: Keynote: Kamila Markram (PhD PH'06), Co-founder & CEO of Frontiers
17:50: Startup pitch competition part 2
18:30: Keynote: Alexandre Gonthier (SC'94), Founder & CEO of Trustly, Inc.
18:40: Winner announcement
18:45: End of plenary
19:00: 1:1 meetings with the startups and networking
20:00: End of the event

More information:

Big thanks to our partners: Swisscom, Kellerhals Carrard, EY, Innovaud, SPEI


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