Mass Effect 3: Human Soldier vs Collectors on Giant (Platinum Solo)

Описание к видео Mass Effect 3: Human Soldier vs Collectors on Giant (Platinum Solo)

This was kind of long. I was hoping for 10 Waves Survived but got downed by a Captain on Wave 8. I really needed some spawn nuking I think.

Wave 1 - 0:30
Wave 2 - 4:40
Wave 3 - 13:05 - Packages
Wave 4 - 15:02
Wave 5 - 26:51
Wave 6 - 32:53 - Hack
Wave 7 - 39:25
Wave 8 - 46:41
Die Primes! - 59:43
Wave 9 - 1:00:19
Phantom Time! - 1:10:23
Wave 10 - 1:12:00 - Packages
Missile All The Things - 1:13:30
Extraction: 1:14:32

So yeah, it took forever. I could have played less conservatively in some spots I suppose. Also if I had it to do over I might have just taken AP ammo on the Typhoon, or Warp, instead of Incendiary to get more immediate Typhoon damage. Would give up the Fire Explosions.

Also, typically if I run the Typhoon with Incendiary, I would use the HVB, but I didn't want to affect my CD's at all and figured I could use the extra damage as it spools up vs the little guys, then try to rely on DOT for the large targets. Extended Mag was for more hot time, so I did not consider giving it up. And I was dumb and forgot about the regular piercing mod. :)

The build is at the end, 1:16:58. It is a no-frag build with Hardening in AR. With Hardening and a nice Cyclonic you are fairly tanky. Without it, you are not much more than a token human character since 500 on demand shields without shield-gate refresh isn't all that impressive. Also should mention that Air Quotes convinced me to use this particular evolution and the Typhoon for this.

Also, I compressed this with Freemake directly from the file Afterburner made, which is not how I usually do it. But I guess it came out ok.

PS: Tried a run this afternoon with AP ammo, and it was 59m 30s, but I got killed at the last second in the LZ. That one was Package, Hack, Devices. So AP ammo is worth some time. I did play that one a bit sloppier though.


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