Horses Puzzle - Quarter Horse - American Quarter Horse

Описание к видео Horses Puzzle - Quarter Horse - American Quarter Horse

Horses puzzle. American Quarter Horse. Animals puzzle fro kids and adults.

Some facts.
The Quarter Horse was bred by the Americans. We are talking about strong and stocky horses that were used for herding livestock.

Origin story
The breed was obtained by crossing horses ridden by American Indians with stallions brought from Ireland and Scotland.

These horses are used for riding and sports riding, racing. Their breeding area is America. They made life much easier for the colonists and helped them with grazing livestock. Today in the United States it is one of the most popular breeds.

Quarter horses are a numerous breed, the representatives of which have noticeable prominent muscles. Medium-sized horses weigh about 540 kg. The height at the withers is 142-152 cm.

The characteristics of quarter horses are not only their noticeably developed muscles, but also their short, wide head, which is crowned with widely spaced eyes.

The neck of the Quarter Horse is long and flexible, the withers are well defined. These horses also have a powerful croup and a wide chest, strong legs with protruding joints. The croup is covered with short hair, the shape of the hooves is elongated.

Quarter horses cannot be called tall, but they are quite massive. Prominent muscles make the relief beautiful. The frontal part of these horses is wide; another feature is their powerful forearms. The hips and croup are well developed, and the back, although short, is strong.

As for the color, the most common color is red, but there are others, for example, brown, dark, bay.

Another feature of these horses is related to maneuverability. They develop high speed over short distances, easily take sharp turns without reducing the intensity of traffic, and can stop abruptly if necessary.

Currently, this is the breed that occupies a leading position in Western competitions. There are approximately 3 million quarter horses registered around the globe.

The name of the breed literally means “quarter mile horse.” It traces its history back to the 17th century, from the moment the British arrived in the New World. These horses are often used in field work; they feel good in harnesses.

Character and temperament
Quarter horses have a good disposition. They can even be called intelligent. These are peaceful animals that demonstrate obedience, are distinguished by a stable psyche and increased performance.

They quickly become attached to their owner and follow all his commands. They are distinguished by hard work and endurance.

Advantages and disadvantages
The advantages of this breed include:

unpretentiousness in nutrition;
the ability to predict the maneuvers of driven cattle;
hard work.
No serious shortcomings have been identified with quarter horses.

Quarter horses' diet is dominated by hay and oats. Horses are also fed bran and carrots. These animals are unpretentious in nutrition. In the warm season, they can be content exclusively with hay and fresh grass. In winter they require additional feeding with vegetables.

Feeding methods are selected in accordance with the work that the animal performs. The overall weight and individual characteristics also matter. Based on this, the menu is compiled.

Horses not only need hay and vegetables, they also need salt. Animals must have constant access to it. You can leave the briquette in the stall.

It is also recommended to include vitamin and mineral complexes in the diet of quarter horses. Horses prefer beets as vegetables, and apples as fruits. They can be given watermelons as a treat.

These animals usually receive water through special automatic drinking bowls. It can also be poured into buckets in advance of each feeding. But the watering process should not be uncontrolled. The horse must cool down before drinking.

The breed was obtained by crossing: American Indian horses x imported stallions from Ireland and Scotland

Average weight, kg 540
Height at withers, cm from 142 to 152
General description: noticeable, defined muscles
Head: short and wide
Eye Features: Wide apart
Neck: long and flexible
Withers: noticeably pronounced, the transition from the withers to the neck is quite steep
Croup: powerful
Chest: wide
Legs: strong, with pronounced joints
Hooves: elongated
Wool: short
Suit: any one-color is allowed
Beautiful: yes

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