Tibia Bosstiary: The Ravager speedrun @ 1.5 kills per minute

Описание к видео Tibia Bosstiary: The Ravager speedrun @ 1.5 kills per minute

This video shows the most efficient method we’ve found to repeatedly kill The Ravager in order to complete its Bosstiary entry. At the rate in the video (roughly ~1.5 kills per minute), it’d take 3 hours and 20 minutes to complete the 300 kills for the Bosstiary entry.

Our team:
RP — Mathias Bynens (me)
EK — Sibon Faur
EK — Wojt Wilkowyje
MS — Spenceron

Note the positioning. In particular, the sorcerer stands to the south and shoots waves and beams to the north.

There’s a few interesting tricks at play here.

First, the red cross markers in the minimap (available on TibiaMaps.io!) — also marked by the scarab coins on the floor — are the spots where the Greater Canopic Jars spawn. Interestingly, these only spawn roughly a second after entering the room, and we discovered that you can prevent them from spawning by quickly running to the spot and occupying it after entering. After killing the boss the first time, you can instead magic wall each spot after killing the boss and then quickly re-enter before the magic walls disappear. In the video, you can see I was responsible for magic-walling the north-east spot.

The second trick is to control where The Ravager can summon Canopic Jars by limiting his options. This can be done by strategically fire-bombing the spots where we don’t want any jars to appear. It’s not possible to completely prevent the boss from summoning any jars, so it’s important to leave a few spots where the boss can still summon. We’ve chosen those to be in our sorcerer’s beam/wave. (We first discovered that this can also be done by strategically placing God Flowers or Honey Flowers on tiles where you don’t want any jars to appear, but this gets a little messy since the boss moves the flowers around.)

One final mini-trick is that you can safely spam the lever even before all lever spots are taken, since the lever only works once all 4 spots are taken anyhow. You can see me do this at 07:18 in the video.

The primary damage sources are physical, mana drain, and death, in that order. The boss is immune to death damage and only takes 50% of ice damage. I recommend dealing physical, holy, fire, and earth damage.

To access the boss room, you need to carry a necrometer in your backpack. For more details, look up a spoiler for the Dark Trails quest.

Session data: From 2023-02-27, 22:22:59 to 2023-02-27, 23:16:01
Session: 00:53h
Killed Monsters:
74x The Ravager


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