Aesthetics on Omegle 32 | "GIRLS RATE ME OUT OF 10" | Girls Reactions Omegle | Preston Gifford

Описание к видео Aesthetics on Omegle 32 | "GIRLS RATE ME OUT OF 10" | Girls Reactions Omegle | Preston Gifford

Aesthetics on Omegle has made its long awaited return. These girls rated me out of 10 and it was GREAT. The rip off shirt trick was such a fun throwback. I truly hope you all are excited and are still with me. Thank you for your patience! Let's make some girls MIRIN.


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Twitter: @prestongifford
Instagram: prestongiffordfitness
Snapchat Me: ladiesmanflirt
Facebook: Preston Gifford


Maleficent - Da Tweekaz
Nothing Stopping Me Now (hardstyle remix) - Euphoric Sounds YouTube

I want to thank Connor Murphy again for giving me the idea for these videos.

#aesthetics #girlsratemeoutof10 #aestheticsonomegle


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