Publishing .NET MAUI Apps to the Stores Made Easy

Описание к видео Publishing .NET MAUI Apps to the Stores Made Easy

🚢 Ready to ship your app but... What was that command again to publish your apk/ipa file?! This VS Code extension will save you! Want to build .NET MAUI apps through VS Code? Check this video:    • Official VS Code Support for .NET MAU...  

The .NET MAUI Archive / Publish Tool extension for Visual Studio Code is a lifesaver when you want to publish your app. No need to memorize complex commands, with this plugin you can do it in seconds!

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🔗 Links
Extension Page:
Extension repo:

⏱ Timestamps
00:00 - .NET MAUI Publish VS Code Extension
00:20 - Publish/Archive a .NET MAUI app
01:22 - .NET MAUI - Archive / Publish tool
03:16 - Create New .NET MAUI Project
05:08 - Explore Extension Commands
07:59 - Publish Android APK
09:23 - Extension Settings
10:20 - Publish iOS IPA file
11:25 - Publish Directly to App Stores?!

🎥 Video edited with DaVinci Resolve

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