Clarinet: Tonguing, Staccato, Legato, Tenuto, Accents!

Описание к видео Clarinet: Tonguing, Staccato, Legato, Tenuto, Accents!

Michelle Anderson, founder of Clarinet Mentors (, presents an introduction to various articulation markings and how to play them on the clarinet. This includes staccato, tenuto, legato, staccato-slurred, and accents. In the video, the stop-tongue staccato technic is mentioned. You can find out more about this and learn this valuable technic by watching this YouTube video:    • Clarinet Lesson: Improve Staccato Ton...  . You will also hear a mention of working on clarinet breath support, which refers to this video:    • Clarinet Lesson: Improve your tone, a...  


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