Chiuya Gabrieri Watakatumirwa| R.I.P MADZIBABA DEMSTAGE

Описание к видео Chiuya Gabrieri Watakatumirwa| R.I.P MADZIBABA DEMSTAGE

Rest in peace Madzibaba Demstage. In this video we hear Madzibaba Demstage being used by the Holy Spirit to deliver warnings of the spiritual warfare we all face as congregants. The title 'Chiuya Gabrieri Watakatumirwa' is a call to the Angel Gabriel to come deliver us from the difficult days we face in our daily living.
He was a preacher, a singer, a prophet, a motivator, a brother and Father. R.I.P Madzibaba. Find below links to some videos featuring Madzibaba Demstage.

   • Johane Masowe Muchinjikwa- Hupfumi hw...  : Hupfumi hweVakatumwa

   • Johane Masowe Muchinjikwa- Mharidzo -...  : Mharidzo Madzibaba Demstage

   • Johane Masowe Muchinjikwa- Nhau dzeku...  : Nhau dzeku Macheke


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