Treatment For Foot Drop /Best Home Exercises for Foot Drop

Описание к видео Treatment For Foot Drop /Best Home Exercises for Foot Drop

#footdrop #drpiyushchaurasia
Foot drop is a condition in which the capacity to move/hold the foot in dorsiflexion is being diminished or lost which create serious problem like when the foot is dropped into planter flexion or unable to move upward into dorsiflexion so during walking the foot drag and the patient is having balancing problem and sometimes the person fall down due to foot dragging. People affected with foot drop choose the walking pattern in which they first bend their affected knee and then take slapping step so their foot and the another walking patterns they use is first take outward movement of the foot so they can clear the ground and not fall down.
foot drop is caused mainly due to weakness or due to paralysis of anterior muscle of Foreleg( Tibialis Anterior muscle)which perform the dorsiflexion movement due to which the muscle doesn't work properly or completely and foot drop problem get started the weakness or complete paralysis of this muscle is due to muscular disease which is known as Myelopathy or the nerve (Common peroneal nerve) which provide blood circulation to the muscle to do movement is get compressed or injured or the back nerve which comes down to the leg is compressed or injured which provide blood circulation to the muscle group to the leg or due to brain injury like Stroke and Cerebral Palsy. So I'm going to share some effective exercises for foot drop.
Before doing Exercises we should have to know that our muscle is partially weak or completely paralysed so for testing that our Tibialis Anterior muscle working slightly or completely paralysed so we should to sit on chair and try to move our affected foot upward in dorsiflexion is there is any slight movement means the muscle is weak and if it doesn't move the muscle is completely paralysed.
so when we know that our muscle is partially weak or completely paralysed then the treatment start.
If our muscle is completely paralysed,we should have to consult Nearby Physiotherapist so he can apply Electrical Muscle Stimulator to the affected muscles which will help to activate the muscle and he/she make you do exercises too. and if your muscle is partially weak ,only exercises will be enough so here I'm going share Some effective exercises which will focus to activate the affected muscle to recover fast
1.Ankle toe Pump
2.Banded TA Activation
3.Weighted Heel Raise
4.Heel Circumduction
5. Single Leg Balance
6. Mirror Therapy


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