Area practice question #11. 5th Grade Math.

Описание к видео Area practice question #11. 5th Grade Math.

Overview video about area:    • Intro to Area for 5th Grade Math.  
Overview video about calculating the area of rhombuses and rhomboids:    • How to calculate the area of rhombuse...  

Viewing options:
This video is available in standard definition and high definition (1080) resolution. To view high definition: click on the ⚙️ gear icon (settings) then choose 1080 (the gear icon is on the bottom right corner of the video that is playing). You will then see a small 'HD' beside the gear icon with a red box around it. Depending on your browser and internet connection, it may not be possible to play this in high definition (though if you put the video on pause at the very beginning, it may switch to HD if enough video can be streamed before you begin viewing it).
You may change the play speed by clicking on the ⚙️gear icon (settings) then 'playback speed' then choose a number less than 1 to slow the video down, or a number greater than 1 to speed the video up.

For educators:
For background on why students may benefit from completing the video worksheets at home the evening before you teach the class, please see this 3-minute video:    • Intro to Science Video Worksheets.  
Our worksheets are available in electronic format for free (e.g., Blackboard, Canvas, Easel, Google Forms, MS Forms, Moodle). For more info, please see    • Science Video Worksheet Electronic Op...  
We have manually edited the closed captions, so those in English are correct. Although we cannot guarantee all automated translations will be accurate, we have been very impressed by those generated by YouTube® in parts of languages that we can understand. If a speaker of your chosen language can ensure the translations are acceptable, then you may wish to turn these on for students whose first language is not English.

Other free resources we've made:
For links to many free educational resources, please visit our website (no 3rd party advertising, no subscriptions, no paywalls):

For our free apps for Apple's Mac and iPad (collects no data, no advertising, no subscriptions, no paywalls, no in-app purchases), please visit our page on the Apple App Store. These apps include Common Core and State based practice tests in math, and State science exams based on NGSS and State curriculums (all with detailed, colorful explanations):

This is a playlist that we designed for teachers. It shows 1-minute previews of some of our science videos. We only post educational content for 3rd - 12th grade:    • 1 minute previews of science videos f...  

Best wishes,
The staff at Test Prep LLC


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