ASU Online Master of Computer Science Information Webinar

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ASU Online Master of Computer Science Information Webinar
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Christina Sebring
We see everybody joining we're going to give it just a minute to give a chance for everyone to make it in before we formally start.
A lot of people listening in live today, which is great.
Your number has slowed down on the uptick so we'll go ahead and formally get started so first of all.
morning good afternoon or good evening I guess depending on where you're listening in from we usually have people listening from all over the world.
So we really appreciate you taking some time out and joining us today whether you're listening live right now, or if you're watching the recording later.
So we're happy to be here to talk about the program and we are using the zoom webinar interface formatting today so.
you'll notice the chats been disabled, but you so please feel free to use the Q amp a to post your questions we have Members from our pricing team and our enrollment team on here to assist you.
Although we do recommend trying to wait so you can say you're listening to the presentation, as most of your questions may be answered as we go through it.
So we do want to make sure we say plenty of time for those questions so we'll go ahead and get started.
First, for some introductions my name is Christina sebring i'm the academic success advising coordinator senior in the school of computing and augmented intelligence or sky.
Which is the largest school within I wrote a fulton schools of engineering and I work in the advising office, so I work closely with advising the students currently in the program prospective students and I also work very closely with the admissions committees.
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Samira Ghayekhloo
hello, my name is Sammy law and.
I will lecture in a Su I joined to asu in 2019 and tell different courses graduate courses, the machine learning data processing knowledge representation.
And also before joining to a Su R was nine years experience teaching computer science courses and computer engineer courses in different universities and I was assistant professor in my home country, Iran and that's it.
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Christina Sebring
Thank you so much, we know how busy work, so thank you so much for joining us today and also behind the scenes, we have Members of our advising team, as well as the enrollment team, so we have a lot of people on behind the scenes, making sure all your questions, get answered.
And so, for today we're going to give an overview of the program discuss an overview of the curriculum and the degree requirements and go over the admissions requirements, including prerequisite courses.
discuss some documents and requirements that are specific to students with international credentials go over our non degree options.
As well as the application process and the deadlines and then save as much time as possible at the end, to answer your questions.
So for a hopefully all here for the master computer science program at asu.
So our program is offered is a rigorous computing degree covering advanced topics such as.
artificial intelligence cybersecurity blockchain and big data and help students, develop a modern computing skill set through practical projects.
We offer our courses on coursera platform which allows us the ability to offer an innovative learning experience at scale without sacrificing the quality and rigor of an asu graduate degree Program.
We see graduates of our program employed at companies like Amazon American express apple Cisco Facebook General Motors Google Intel Microsoft PayPal Samsung.



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