Nervous system Light language healing

Описание к видео Nervous system Light language healing

Imagine you are driving and someone driving ahead brakes or someone crosses the road unpredictably. Your nervous system is rushed and activated - you press your brakes. After this short episode of stress, you bounce back to calmness.  This baseline of bouncing back to normalcy is known as the window of tolerance of the nervous system.

A regulated nervous system experiences both the stress and calming response throughout the course of a given day with ease. At times, this flight or fight may also be exhilarating in short bursts, say; when we are riding on a roller coaster in an amusement park. But the fight or flight response action of sympathetic nervous is not designed to last more than half an hour or so. Beyond this – it is damaging.

It is (sympathetic system - fight or flight response) is designed in a way that it should normally cede to parasympathetic system (rest and digest) so that our body bounces back to resting, healing and processing memories.

But, what happens when a trauma comes into picture? Trauma, the injury or wounding of the soul that has physical effects – is an electrical energy. It will be stored in a part of the body as a protective mechanism, till the system receives some safe enough signal to release or integrate the energy. This is what is known as healing. The neuroception of threat or safety need not be physical alone. It may also be spiritual - dogmas like hell, heaven, judgment day, karma, punishment or abandonment by god, victimhood etc. Studies show that people with such negative spiritual beliefs live in perpetual states of fear and they are more prone to physical diseases. 

When we are living with our residual trauma - physical or spiritual, in our four lower bodies – physical, mental, emotional and etheric bodies, we will always be getting ready for the next trauma. Moreover, stuck up trauma keeps the Amygdala (an almond shaped mass in the deep brain which is responsible for identifying survival related threats and tagging memories with emotions) to be vigilant always – it looks for threats everywhere.

The nervous system is more or less permanently wired to fight or flight mode. The healing process thus becomes challenging.

The light language code from ‘Zero point field’ heals the nervous system from deep buried trauma and a new neural network in accordance with your divine blueprint.

You can expect more release and integration of trauma energies. The better it gets the better it gets.

For personalized light language – write to [email protected]

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