Mohammed Rafi | Man Tarpat Hari Darshan (Baiju Bawra)

Описание к видео Mohammed Rafi | Man Tarpat Hari Darshan (Baiju Bawra)

We were very privileged to have become closely acquainted with Naushad Ali (1919 ~ 2006), one of the most remarkable and renowned Hindi film Music Directors who composed some of the legendary singer Mohammed Rafi Saheb’s greatest songs dating back to 1940’s till his passing.

Naushadji had re-recorded with Mohammed Rafi some of those greatest songs in stereo sound around mid to late 1970’s. He also had in his archives some songs which were never released, including film and non-film songs. He very kindly agreed to compile these songs into an album which he called “Naushad Presents The Last Journey of Mohammed Rafi”.

This album was released in 1998 and features five of his most popular and greatest songs along with four other songs from their original master recording which till then had not been released into public domain.

In this episode, we share with you one of his most popular film songs, and arguably one of the most beloved Bhajans (Hindu devotional songs) from the film Baiju Bawra (1952), “Man Tarpat Hari Darshan Ko Aaj”. This Mohammed Rafi Song was written by Shakeel Badayuni Saheb and put to music in Raga Malkauns by Naushad Ali.

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Mohammed Rafi ~ Man Tarpat Hari Darshan (Baiju Bawra) | Naushad Ali


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