Resep lengkap buka di description box ini dan geser sampai ke bawah.
*English description is at the bottom section.*
00:00 : intro
01:12 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
02:09 : membuat salted caramel (making Salted Caramel Sauce)
03:35 : membuat adonan churros (making the Churros dough)
06:00 : bentuk dan goreng churros (shaping and frying the Churros)
08:06 : hidangan siap dan serving (the Churros are ready to serve)
#ResepChocolateChurros #ResepKaramel #ResepDevinaHermawan
Resep Chocolate Churros (untuk 3-4 porsi)
130 ml susu
30 gr kental manis putih
30 gr mentega
50 gr tepung terigu protein sedang
10 gr cokelat bubuk
50 gr Goriorio Cokelat
1 butir telur
⅙ sdt garam
Bahan salted caramel:
80 ml susu
60 gr gula pasir
40 ml air
30 gr mentega
60 gr gula palem
½ sdt garam
1 sdt perisa vanila
Bahan pelapis:
4 sdm gula pasir
1. Untuk saus, masak gula pasir, gula palem, dan air, masak di api sedang hingga larut dan wangi kemudian masukkan susu, mentega, garam, dan perisa vanila, masak selama 2 menit, sisihkan
2. Untuk adonan churros, masak susu, kental manis, mentega, dan garam di api sedang kecil hingga larut kemudian masukkan tepung terigu, aduk hingga menyatu
3. Pindahkan ke dalam mangkuk, diamkan hingga dingin atau hangat kuku
4. Haluskan Goriorio Cokelat dengan food processor lalu masukkan ke dalam adonan beserta telur, aduk hingga rata
5. Tambahkan cokelat bubuk sambil disaring, aduk rata
6. Masukkan piping tip ke dalam piping bag lalu masukkan adonan churros
7. Panaskan minyak, semprotkan churros ke dalam minyak lalu gunting, goreng churros hingga struktur luar menjadi kering,tiriskan
8. Untuk taburan, haluskan gula pasir dengan blender. Balurkan churros ke dalam gula pasir
9. Churros cokelat siap disajikan
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Chocolate Churros Recipe (yield 3-4 servings)
130 ml milk
30 g white condensed milk
30 g butter
50 g all-purpose flour
10 g cocoa powder
50 g Goriorio, Chocolate flavor
1 pc egg
⅙ tsp salt
Salted Caramel Sauce:
80 ml milk
60 g sugar
40 ml water
30 g butter
60 g palm sugar
½ tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla extract
4 tbsp sugar
1. For the Sauce, add sugar, palm sugar, and water into a saucepan. Cook on medium heat until the sugars are dissolved and fragrant. Then, add milk, butter, salt, and vanilla extract. Continue cooking for 2 minutes, then set aside.
2. For the Churros dough, cook milk, condensed milk, butter, and salt on medium-low heat until dissolved. Then, add flour and mix evenly.
3. Transfer to a bowl. Rest until it’s cooled down or lukewarm.
4. Grind the Chocolate Goriorio using a food processor. Add it into the dough along with the egg. Mix evenly.
5. Sift the cocoa powder in and mix well.
6. Place the piping tip inside the piping bag, then add the Churro dough.
7. Heat the oil. Pipe the Churro dough into the oil and cut it with scissors. Fry the Churros until the exterior is crisp. Set aside.
8. Grind the sugar with a blender. Coat the Churros with sugar.
9. Chocolate Churros are ready to serve.
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