Do Latter-day Saints believe in evolution? Ep. 139

Описание к видео Do Latter-day Saints believe in evolution? Ep. 139

As scientists have developed theories about our origins in this world, those theories seem to have clashed violently with the creation narrative we've received from sacred scripture. What is to be believed? Do Latter-day Saints turn a blind eye to scientific progress or toss out the Book of Genesis?

Video transcript and notes:

“What does the Church believe about evolution?” via Church’s website (published in New Era Magazine, Oct. 2016):
“What does the Church believe about dinosaurs?” via Church’s website (published in New Era Magazine, Feb. 2016.):
The famous BYU “Evolution Packet” (if you know some of the history behind this topic in our faith, this packet will sound familiar):
BYU’s “Reconciling Evolution” website (check it out!):
Resources recommended by BYU’s “Reconciling Evolution” website:
“Evolution and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,” by Ben Spackman (BYU’s “Reconciling Evolution” website refers you to this paper):
Ben Spackman’s 8-part series on this subject, on the YouTube channel “Gospel Tangents”: (also recommended by the “Reconciling Evolution” website).
“What does the Church believe about evolution?” a presentation by Ugo Perego:
“The Scientific Deformation and Reformation of Genesis: How ‘Science’ Messed It Up, but Also Fixes It” by Ben Spackman (2018 UVU Mormon Studies Conference): (And a corresponding article here: ).
“The Mormon Myth of Evil Evolution,” by Michael R. Ash, in Dialogue Journal: (This article gives a fantastic historical outline of the evolution controversy in the Church over the past century).
Additional resources regarding the age of the earth question:
“Were there Men before Adam and other Hard Questions,” by William A. Dargan in Meridian Magazine (April 2014):
“Why Evolution and LDS Thought are Fully Compatible: Overcoming our Suspicions of Science,” by Steven Peck:
“The Theory of Evolution is Both Compatible with Belief and Unbelief in a Supreme Being,” by David Belnap (Interpreter Journal):
Additional resources from the Interpreter Foundation:
Casey Paul Griffith’s commentary on D&C 77 (“age of the earth” relevance) via Doctrine and Covenants Central:
“Where Justice, Love, and Mercy Meet,” by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland (2015 general conference talk):


— The two “New Era” articles quoted in this episode are not signed or official “declarations” from the First Presidency or Quorum of the Twelve. However, articles published in Church magazines do go through an editing and approval process before publication. If an error does slip through, leaders can clarify or retract the content. In the case of these two New Era articles published several years ago, no action has been taken. But the Church’s “non-position” on evolution at the current time is readily apparent. For example, it would not make sense to be teaching evolution at BYU schools if the Church’s official position was anti-evolution. At the same time, when you visit the evolution exhibit at the BYU Life Science Museum, right in the center of the north wall you’ll find the words, “This exhibit includes some of the evidence for evolution. It does not establish doctrine for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.” Thus, it also seems clear that the Church is also not officially pro-evolution. The Church simply takes no position. This seems to reflect the position of Church leaders in 1931: “Leave geology, biology, archaeology, and anthropology, no one of which has to do with the salvation of the soul of mankind, to scientific research, while we magnify our calling in the realm of the Church....” Source: First Presidency Minutes, April 7, 1931.

It may also be worth noting that we tend to lend authority and credibility to plenty of resources that do not carry the signatures of “Official Declaration” weight from the Brethren. For example, the “gospel topics” essays.


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