Z31 Ep 28 Nistune tuning basics street tune

Описание к видео Z31 Ep 28 Nistune tuning basics street tune

In this video I try to go over the basics of a street tune in Nistune. The 3 resources I used were:

I have not been able to get the load scales anywhere close by checking the box that says auto adjust load scales. its best to just look at them and do it manually.

Nistune Software Installation and Users Manual

Nissan ECU Tuning Basics

Nistune Mapping Guide

After using the resize injectors feature the 1st step is tuning the k value. This is done while driving around 2000-3000 rpms while trying to stay at about a 1/4 load on the fuel map. You can either monitor short and long fuel trims (fts and ftl) if the narrowband o2 or simulator connected to factory harness, or by just monitoring the wideband gauge looking for 14.7 or close to it.

The 2nd main step is to adjust the load scalers. Look at TP (Load index) to find the min value at idle and max value at full load/boost and adjust the tables accordingly.

I took a few degrees of time out of the top end/high load area of the map as recommended in the Nistune literature.

It’s also required to “flatten” the fuel map due to bigger injectors. Do this slowly to make sure AFRs don’t go lean while in boost.

Using the trace map/graph is good for this because you can see what the AFRs are in the map after a run/pull.

This is just a quick guide to introduce some basic features of Nistune.


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