Routing in VANETs using ns3 - Part 2

Описание к видео Routing in VANETs using ns3 - Part 2

Please watch the First Part before watching this video
   • Routing in VANETs using ns3 - Part 1  

Part 2 - Analysis of the results.

Please go through the first video (Part 1) and then watch this video (PArt 2)

#VANETs #NS3 #Routing

1. SUMO for web traffic (
2. Convert this into mobility.tcl file and that can be loaded to file (as discussed in part1)
3. We will be analysing various metrics like
Receive Rate
Packets Received
Mac PHY overhead
Throughput and other metrics.
Files that are generated
mobility.tcl (for generating traffic in the network)
.tr (Ascii Trace, throughput and goodput)
.flowmon (FlowMonitor)
.xml (for NetAnim)
.pcap (Wireshark)

Step 1 - SUMO

$] export SUMO_HOME=/home/pradeepkumar/sumo/
$] cd sumo/tools
$] python

Once the data generated

$] sumo -c osm.sumocfg --fcd-output trace.xml
sumo has a file, this file has to be processed.

$] python -i 2019-08-18-20-47-08/trace.xml --ns2mobility-output=/home/pradeepkumar/mobility.tcl

from the mobility.tcl file,there are
32 nodes (vehicles) and 249 seconds

Step 2:
NS3 part
Copy the file file to the scratch folder.
$] cp ns-allinone-3.27/ns-3.27/src/wave/examples/ ns-allinone-3.27/ns-3.27/scratch/

Do the modifications in line numbe 2392 as indicated in the video

My simulation will be running for various protocols like OLSR, AODV and DSDV
Scenario 2 is used for Selaiyur, Tambaram, Chennai, India
Total time is 30 seconds
Vehicle movement is 20m/s

$] ./waf --run "scratch/vanet-routing-compare --protocol=1 --scenario=2"
1 - OLSR
4. DSR

To process the results, we used gnuplot and LibreOFfice Spreadsheet
Gnuplot Code.

set terminal pdf
set output "RR.pdf"
set title "Receive Rate"
set xlabel "Simulation Time (Seconds)"
set ylabel "Receive Rate"
plot "AODV.csv" using 1:2 with linespoints title "AODV", "OLSR.csv" using 1:2 with linespoints title "OLSR","DSDV.csv" using 1:2 with linespoints title "DSDV","DSR.csv" using 1:2 with linespoints title "DSR"

set terminal pdf
set output "PR.pdf"
set title "Packets Receives"
set xlabel "Simulation Time (Seconds)"
set ylabel "PAckets Received"
plot "AODV.csv" using 1:3 with linespoints title "AODV", "OLSR.csv" using 1:3 with linespoints title "OLSR","DSDV.csv" using 1:3 with linespoints title "DSDV","DSR.csv" using 1:3 with linespoints title "DSR"

set terminal pdf
set output "macphy.pdf"
set title "Mac Phy OVerhead"
set xlabel "Simulation Time (Seconds)"
set ylabel "Overhead"
plot "AODV.csv" using 1:22 with linespoints title "AODV", "OLSR.csv" using 1:22 with linespoints title "OLSR","DSDV.csv" using 1:22 with linespoints title "DSDV","DSR.csv" using 1:22 with linespoints title "DSR"

WE have done the basic simulations.. and plotting of characteristics.
Similar way , we can do it for other results also.

In the next video, I will be showcasing how to use flowmonitor for plotting the various losses, bitrates in the system or network.

python scripts to read the flowmonitors.

Thanks for watching. please share the videos to your friends and ask them to subscribe.

Thank you....


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