SDA Communion Bread, Pt. 1 of 3

Описание к видео SDA Communion Bread, Pt. 1 of 3

Update: During COVID-19 quarantine, our church shared Communion online. Each family made their own bread, many using this "smaller" recipe, following same method as this video:
1/4 c. flour (any kind you have available should work, including gluten-free)
1 Tbsp oil (whole wheat and GF flours require an overflowed tablespoon)
1 Tbsp. water (a bit less for white all-purpose flour)
pinch of salt
Mix together in a bowl or snack-size zippered bag (not sandwich size). Allow to sit for 10 minutes before rolling out evenly inside the baggie. Cut through the side and bottom seams to open baggie like a book. Flip over onto parchment paper or foil. Cut with knife into the desired number of pieces. Prick each piece with a fork. Bake in 400* oven for about 12 minutes or until edges begin to brown. Cool on a rack. Outer pieces may be done before center pieces. You can separate them and continue to bake until center pieces are done. God bless!
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How I make communion bread for our Seventh-day Adventist Church with commentary on spiritual applications. Recipe is from a dear, older church member, but the zipper bag idea is mine.

2 c. (10 oz) Whole Wheat Pastry Flour
1/3 c.Water
1/2 c. Oil
1 1/2 tsp. Salt
Zip-seal bag (gallon size)
Parchment paper
400*F about 15 min. Watch for browning.

A concern about canola oil was expressed. Please use any oil that you find acceptable.
I have not tried this recipe with oil substitutes like applesauce or flax gel, mostly because I believe they would have used oil in ancient times. I'm a traditionalist....


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