Eocarcharia New Years Sneak Peak

Описание к видео Eocarcharia New Years Sneak Peak

Just wanted to do another sneak peak since its been awhile. Wanted to explain some stuff. In the video I showcase a lot of stuff. Ill start off by what's left to do, I have to get pretty much all the code done, after that there's like 6 more animations, 3 Tail attacks, Sleep Eat, and 2 additive animations for its taming. Eocarcharias can be in packs up to 5. Then there's the mushroom stews that gives off buffs to eocarchs. after that all I need to do is finalize the rest of the sounds and particle effects. At the end of the video I showcase the saddle attachments, the ones showed are just a peak of what's to come!!! I plan to get everything finalized by mid January


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