Mount Whitney Rescue - Summit Attempt To S.O.S.

Описание к видео Mount Whitney Rescue - Summit Attempt To S.O.S.

My second attempt to summit Mount Whitney with my brother, Matt, turned into a rescue mission. I am posting this video in the hopes that people can learn from our experience.

Matt and I started our hike (our second Whitney attempt in two weeks) late Friday night. By 2:30 am we were hitting the S.O.S. button for a group of hikers. It was a scary situation that lasted many hours.

Hitting the S.O.S. button on a satellite device is just the first step of a lengthy ordeal, as you will see.

I have taken great care to be respectful of the injured parties in this video and keep their identities anonymous. I don't make money from this Youtube channel, I just hope that others can learn from this experience.

Some of this video is me explaining the situation while also mixing in some footage of the rescue. I didn't record certain parts because I didn't think it was appropriate to do so, and I was too busy to even think about it. There is, however, plenty to see and my hope is that it will educate people on how to be safer out there, and what actually happens after you send out an S.O.S. call.

Many thanks to the great Search And Rescue folks who answered the call including the Garmin Response Center, Inyo County Sheriff, the California Highway Patrol who provided the helicopter, and to the fellow hikers who volunteered to help us along the way.

I encourage anyone who enjoys spending time in the great outdoors to watch this video. I think there is some valuable information in it.

Have fun and be safe! (yes there is a typo in this video, I'm usually perfect, oh well)

Link to buy bivvy in video (I make no money from this):

Also at REI:

#hiking #rescue #safetyfirst


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