Raising and selling Mearns quail from eggs to adults.

Описание к видео Raising and selling Mearns quail from eggs to adults.

We will start taking orders May 1st Eggs are $20 apiece minimum 10 eggs plus 50 for express shipping and packing foam. Mike 863-991-1949

Mearns Quail are the ones we get asked the most questions about, here are the most common questions l get about the Mearns Quail, these are just simple answers for general questions. 

#1 When do they start laying?
Mearns start around May 
This is just a general time for when they start laying. This will vary on where you live. They roughly lay for 12 to 14 weeks, but this also varies.

#2 Is it worth buying eggs?
You would be lucky to raise any on shipped eggs. l have always tried to explain to folks how hard it is to produce them from shipped eggs. 
Shipped eggs are so fragile. Birds are your best bet, but there’s risk with them too.

#3 Can they handle the northern cold?
I have friends that keep them in some of the coldest parts of the US, but you must keep them dry and out of the wind, on solid flooring. Most wrap pens with plastic in the coldest months.

#4 Best humidity for hatching?
Peple ask about dry hatching but really there is no such thing as a dry hatch even if you don’t put water in the incubator there is still a percentage of humidity in there. For me 30 to 40% has work best. There are many different opinions on the percentage of humidity this is just a starting point after multiple hatches you will be able to dial in what’s best for you. I raise to 60% two days before hatching.

#5 Best way of brooding?
Brooders that roughly hold 10 birds about 24 x 30 seem to work the best. Fire up brooders 24 hours prior to chicks hatching. Just to make sure there’s no problems. Radiant heat from 90° at cool end to 100° at warm end, decreasing temperature by 5° every week for four weeks. Quail waters should be used in brooders. Use GQF Vitamins (changed daily) with electrolytes and minerals in water for seven days, and never serve cold water the first few days. Minimum 28% protein, gamebird feed ground for the first 2 weeks is what I do. At least 28% protein till a month before breeding. Carefully watch for aggression. Preventative light beak trimming seems to work best.

#6 What about bantam chickens raising quail?
Old English Game Bantams are awesome , very small, very broody and great mothers. Swap out their eggs for quail eggs. This is absolutely the best way of raising rare quail in my opinion, but can be a little tricky, takes a little practice.

#7 Wire or pine shavings?
Wire is easy, but with Mearns Quail you must keep toenails trimmed. With PVC coated wire 1/2 x 1/2 or 1 x 1/2 you must keep a decent area of the pen not wire, preferably about 1/3 so they can get off the wire. Shavings are nice but a lot of cleaning, and blowing rain can be a pain, because once wet it needs to be changed. Lots of different opinions on this question.

#8 How tame are they?
I have raised many different types of quail. Mearns are by far the tamest. About as tame as I let mine get are eating out of my hand, if they are to tame, you can have some breeding difficulties. 
Same way with Old English Game Bantams once they just want to sit on your shoulder they are not very good mothers to the quail. 

#9 Breeding in pairs or colony ?
In my opinion pairs are best, but l do know some that have had good success with colony’s. I have always done pairs.

#10 Best pen sizes?
I would say the minimum for a pair would be 16 Square foot pen.
With that said the more room the better. Best to have a shape that birds can get away from you if they are nervous. Meaning a divider with a hole. I have several pictures of different types of pens and sizes.

#11 how long are eggs viable after layed?
After seven days fertility seems to starts decreasing, but you never know. If they are under two weeks, I will set. You can check fertility after five days, collect eggs from breeding pens as soon as possible. Because of the weather, or being pecked and so they don’t get dirty. Before setting keep rotating in a cool dark place.


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