DIY Firewood Processor

Описание к видео DIY Firewood Processor

This is my DIY Firewood Processor, more of a system really. I have always hated making and handling firewood since I was a kid, but its a necessity on the farm. A few years back I decided it was time to make the task of creating firewood easier. My first thought was a firewood processor. It didn't take long to realize the cost of one of these things, even a used one, was totally not going to happen. My next thought was a commercial grade splitter with a conveyer, way less expensive than a processor but still out of my price range. And then there is the stacking, storing, unstacking, moving the wood to the the burner or point of sale. I started seeing YT videos of people using log bags to stack, store, and move firewood. Was this the answer I was looking for, but they were all using conveyors to load the bags. I really did not want another piece of expensive equipment to operate and maintain. Then it hit me, why can't I use gravity to load the bags. Gravity is free and never breaks. The splitter is key to the whole system. My splitter, which was the horizontal /vertical type where the wedge is attached to the ram and the backstop is fixed to the beam. I modified it by cutting off the backstop and attaching it to the ram and fabricating a box wedge for the end of the beam. I made a tilting outfield table, so the splits would just slide down. Then I built platform on one of our many hills where I could position the bags about 6' lower than the splitter. I really like this system, it makes firewood easier and faster. The down side are the bags which only last maybe 3 years if stored outside and they are pricey. Instead of bags I started using large custom wood boxes which hold a cord of loose stack splits (180 cu'), still working out the details but they should last a lot longer.
For a more detail look at the system:    • Details on my DIY Firewood Processor ...  


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