Skate Against A Race Drone | Karl Berglind 'Lunar Landscapes'

Описание к видео Skate Against A Race Drone | Karl Berglind 'Lunar Landscapes'

Follow Sweden’s flow master on a high-octane chase through the otherworldly skate terrain of Montana’s giant concrete behemoths!
A very interesting thing has happened in skatepark design in the northwest of America. There, three neighbouring states with space to spare have created a skatepark revolution featuring dreamscapes which fairly seem to have dropped out of the sky.
Gone are the safety features and the cramped lines of litigation-crazy California, with its prime real estate prices and endless rules. Instead, what has developed in the northwest region is a kind of gigantic, sinuous, avant-garde skatepark design of such grandeur and ambition that it can only be described as visionary.

Montana is traditionally known as big sky country and the openness of the terrain is reflected in the remarkable skatepark design there. Given his natural affinity with the climate and skate terrain of his native Sweden, we asked the sublimely talented Karl Berglind if he would like to experience some of the lunar landscapes that master-craftsmen like Evergreen and Dreamland have poured into the spellbinding scenery of America’s last wide open space.

A perfect symbiosis of skater and space, we hope you enjoy what he came back with.

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