野鳥を庭に スズメ メジロ ヒヨドリ 250103 "Invite wild birds to the garden"

Описание к видео 野鳥を庭に スズメ メジロ ヒヨドリ 250103 "Invite wild birds to the garden"


Just like yesterday, there were not many visitors to the water area. Nevertheless, the Japanese white-eyes bathed in the water along with the sparrows. Recently, I have found myself laughing when the brown-eared bulbul, the owner of the territory, coughs when drinking water. I personally feel a strong sense of empathy for this bird, as it is getting older.

餌台:くず米 ミルワーム ピーナッツ 柿
Feeder: Rice crumbs, mealworms, peanuts, persimmons
Camera: GoPro 7

#スズメ #ヒヨドリ #メジロ
#Sparrow #Brown-eared Bulbul #Japanese White-eye


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